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Install Instructions

by Lucía Sanjaime Calvet last modified 2010-06-01 23:47

The ArcIMS extension must be installed on the gvSIG version it was developed, which is indicated in the download table of the extension. This version of gvSIG must be correctly installed in the PC.

The installation steps are:

  • Download the file from the web.
  • Uncompress the downloaded file.
  • Execute the “install.bat” or “” file depending on whether the OS is Windows or Linux.

If the installation process doesn’t automatically find the folder where the correct version of the gvSIG application is installed, it has to be manually indicated. For instance, in the case of an ArcIMS Client for gvSIG 0.6.2 in Windows XP, the folder could be C:\Program Files\gvSIG_0.6.2

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