Install/uninstall instructions
Version 0.6.1
Installation / uninstallation
gvSIG 0.6.1 is a partial update to be applied over the 0.6 version, so gvSIG 0.6 must be already and correctly installed in the computer.
To install, follow these steps:
- Download the file from the webpage.
- Unzip it.
- Run the file installer.bat/
The installation will attempt to automatically find the directory where the previous installation is. If it does not, then the directory have to be manually indicated.
Version 0.6
- Prerequisites [JVM 1.4.2 (06 or above), JAI (Java Advanced Imaging), JAI Image I/O]
- Note: The JAI and JAI Image I/O must be installed into the same Java VM that runs gvSIG. If a new JVM is installed in the system and this JVM is the one used to run gvSIG it will be required to install these libraries into the new JVM (gvSIG is executed on the default JVM in the operating system; to know which JVM is being used, please type “java -version” from the comand line or console).
- Download and unzip the installation package appropiate to the operating system.
- Run the install.bat file (Windows) or (Linux) and follow the instructions.
- Run the program by doing one of the following:
- From the Desktop shortcut.
- From the Start/Programs menu.
- From the command line:
- Step into the application directory (it is the one choosed at the installation time)
- Type “gvSIG” (Windows) or “./” (Linux)
gvSIG language defaults to the system language, if it matches with one of those supported (valencian, spanish, gallego, english, czech, german, basque, french, italian and portuguese). Otherwise, english language is used.
- There are two ways to change the language:
- From the General tab in the Windows/Config and selecting the desired language. To apply the changes exit and run again gvSIG.
- From the command-line or the console
- Type “gvSIG [language]” (Windows) or “./ [language]” (Linux)
- The values currently supported by the language variable are:
- es: Spanish
- va: Valencian
- gl: Gallego
- en: English
- cs: Czech
- de: German
- eu: Basque
- fr: French
- it: Italian
- pt: Portuguese
To uninstall gvSIG v0.6, execute gvSIG Uninstall icon from the Start/Programs Menu.