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by Mario Carrera last modified 2011-12-27 11:11
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<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" style="width: 766px; height: 218px;"> 	<tbody> 		<tr> 			<td bgcolor="#ff9900" width="115" style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><strong>Versión</strong></td> 			<td bgcolor="#ff9900" width="153" style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><strong>Binarios</strong></td> 			<td bgcolor="#ff9900" width="74" style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><strong>Notas</strong></td> 			<td bgcolor="#ff9900" width="237" style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><strong>Fuentes</strong></td> 			<td bgcolor="#ff9900" width="159" style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><strong>Documentación</strong></td> 		</tr> 		<tr> 			<td bgcolor="#ffffcc" width="115" valign="middle">BN6<br /> 			para gvSIG 1.1.2<br /> 			(02-04-2008)</td> 			<td width="153"><p><img alt="Windows" title="Windows" src="/web/gvsig_iconset/other/32x32/windows_icon.png" style="width: 16px; height: 15px;" /> <a class="download" target="_blank" href="">EXE (1.39 MB)</a> *</p> 			<p><img alt="Linux" title="Linux" src="/web/gvsig_iconset/other/32x32/linux_icon.png" style="width: 16px; height: 20px;" /> <a class="download" target="_blank" href="">BIN (2.09 MB)</a> *</p> 			<p><img style="width: 18px; height: 18px;" src="/web/gvsig_iconset/other/32x32/osx_icon.png" title="MacOSX" alt="MacOSX" /> <a class="download" target="_blank" href="">ZIP (0.18 MB)</a> *</p></td> 			<td width="74"> </td> 			<td width="237"><p><span class="download"><span class="internal-link"><a class="download" target="_blank" href=""></a> </span></span> <span class="download"><span class="internal-link"> </span>(94 KB)</span></p></td> 			<td width="159" rowspan="2"><p><strong>Doc. usuario:  </strong></p> 			<p style="margin: 0pt;"><img title="PDF en castellano" alt="PDF en castellano" src="/web/flag-es.gif" style="width: 16px; height: 12px;" /> <a class="download" target="_blank" href=""><span class="internal-link">PDF (1.33 MB)</span></a></p></td> 		</tr> 		<tr> 			<td bgcolor="#ffffcc" width="115">BN5<br /> 			para gvSIG 1.1.2<br /> 			(13-03-2008)</td> 			<td width="153" style="vertical-align: top;"><p><img alt="Windows" title="Windows" src="/web/gvsig_iconset/other/32x32/windows_icon.png" style="width: 16px; height: 15px;" /> Retirada</p> 			<p><img alt="Linux" title="Linux" src="/web/gvsig_iconset/other/32x32/linux_icon.png" style="width: 16px; height: 20px;" /> Retirada</p> 			<p><img style="width: 18px; height: 18px;" src="/web/gvsig_iconset/other/32x32/osx_icon.png" title="MacOSX" alt="MacOSX" /> Retirada</p></td> 			<td width="74" style="vertical-align: top;"> </td> 			<td width="237" style="vertical-align: top;"> </td> 		</tr> 	</tbody> </table> 
<br /><p>*  Es absolutamente recomendable actualizar la extensión ya que se ha solucionado un error grave detectado en el build number 5. Para ello es suficiente con instalar la nueva distribución de la extensión (build number 6). La antigua será eliminada automáticamente.</p> <p> </p>

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