Personal tools
gvSIG Desktop
gvSIG Desktop

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Version 1.1.2.


gvSIG version 1.1.2 is a partial update of version 1.1 or version 1.1.1. These earlier versions must be installed correctly on your PC beforehand.

Warning: Do not install over a gvSIG version which contains the 3D Pilot.

To install, follow these steps:

  • Download the file from the webpage and open it.
  • Execute the 'Actualizador gvSIG 1.1.2' file of the Desktop. (During installation, file deleting information windows appear. Click on OK to continue.)

The installation will attempt to automatically find the directory where the previous installation is. If it does not, then the directory have to be manually indicated.


Version 1.1.1


gvSIG 1.1.1 is a partial update to be applied over the 1.1 version, so gvSIG 1.1 must be already and correctly installed in the computer.

To install, follow these steps:

  • Download the file from the webpage and open it.
  • Execute the 'Actualizador gvSIG 1.1.1' file of the Desktop.

The installation will attempt to automatically find the directory where the previous installation is. If it does not, then the directory have to be manually indicated.


Complete version

The full version of gvSIG 1.1.1 is installed in the same way than gvSIG 1.1.


Version 1.1

gvSIG runs on OS X 10.3 and 10.4 (PowerPC and Intel). GDAL library works fine, but mrSID is still only available for PowerPC. ECW is not available for OS X.

gvSIG prerrequisites are:

  • Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)
    • Is preinstalled on OS X 10.4. For 10.3, there is a downloadable installer in Apple's website. gvSIG will detect the availability of JAI, and offer taking you to the installer webpage or installing the basic files itself.
  • JAI Image I/O
    • There is no official installer for OS X. A common partial workaround is installing the pure java part of it; gvSIG will offer doing so.

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