<p><strong>Version 1.1.2 (04-03-2008)</strong></p>
<li>Supported file formats:
<li>Read and write support for GML 3.1.1. has been added.</li>
<li>Read and write support for KML 2.1 has been added. This means vector layers can now be exported and viewed using Google Earth.</li>
<li>WFS Service:
<li>Support for WFS 1.1.0 has been added.</li>
<li>New north symbols have been added.</li>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Version 1.1 (21-09-2007)</strong></p>
<li>gvSIG installation includes now JAI 1.1.3</li>
<li>JCRS Extension:
<li>Now integrated in the installation.</li>
<li>Now integrated in the installation.</li>
<li>Field Calculator:
<li>It automatically fills table fields by calculating from values in the same table or geometry properties like area, length, etc.</li>
<li>Annotation Layer:
<li>It can be generated from feature layers with any kind og geometry, not just points.</li>
<li>A new independent non-virtual layer is created and persisted as shp. The original layer is not removed from the View.</li>
<li>The table associated to the new shp file contains fields for Text, Font, Color, Height and Rotation.</li>
<li>There is a new menu option “Properties of annotation layer”, where it is possible to choose units (meters or pixels), to draw text only, etc.</li>
<li>In the “Add Layer” dialog, a new tab allows loading of Annotation layers.</li>
<li>The process can eliminate duplicated labels.</li>
<li>The annotation layer can be generated from selected features.</li>
<li>The process can eliminate overlapping labels.</li>
<li>When exporting to PostGIS, it is possible to specify the database Schema name to save to.</li>
<li>Export to raster
<li>A raster can be exported, either a complete layer or a selected area, to a TIFF file.</li>