In order to know which extensions are available in gvSIG 1.12 and install them run the <strong>Add-ons manager</strong> within gvSIG (menu <em>Tools</em> > <em>Add-ons manager</em>, and select the "<em>Installation from URL</em>" option).</p>
The main official extensions available in a <strong>final version</strong> are the following:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 40px;">
<strong>Network</strong>: <em>org.gvsig.graph </em><em>(1.1.0-1241 version) </em>
<ul style="margin-left: 40px;">
New features: Speed improvements, Export route as layer.</li>
<strong>Normalization</strong>: <em>org.gvsig.normalization</em></li>
<strong>Synchronization with</strong><strong> gvSIG Mobile</strong></li>
The main official extensions available <strong>in development</strong> are the following:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 40px;">
<strong>Topology</strong>: <em>org.gvsig.topology</em></li>
<strong>Remote Sensing</strong>: <em>org.gvsig.remotesensing</em></li>