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by Mario Carrera last modified 2012-09-26 12:12
<p><p><strong>gvSIG 1.12 final (25-09-2012)</strong></p><p><a href="">Ver el listado de errores corregidos</a></p></p><p><strong>gvSIG 1.12 RC2 (06-08-2012)</strong></p> <p>Se han arreglado las siguientes incidencias:</p> <ul> 	<li><a href="" target="_blank">WMS layers didn't use the correct style</a></li> 	<li><a href="" target="_blank">rec() operator is not load in Field Calculator</a></li> 	<li><a href="" target="_blank">Italian properties to upload to gvSIG 1.12 (2012-07-30)</a></li> </ul>

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