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:versión: 	1.2

At the root of the SVN project there should be a *README.txt* file that guides people who download the project on how to compile, deploy, package and translate the project into other languages. There is a template_ in ReST_ format that can be used for this purpose.

For the template_ you have to use the document *source code*. This can be accessed from the icon at the bottom of the template (`more information on how to access document sources can be found here`_).

The following sections can be found in the template:

* *Introduction*

  Include a list of the different sections that can be found in this file.

* *Version information*

  Specify the following:
  - Files that must be updated every time the version number of the project needs to be updated.
  - The operations that must be performed to update the version number.
  - If the version number format or update policy of gvSIG is not followed, the format being used should be described.
  It is recommended that you read the document `Interpretation of the gvSIG version number`_.

* *Compilation instructions*

  You should include:
  - Instructions on how to configure the eclipse workspace
  - Instructions for compiling the project
  - Instructions that allow a developer to deploy it as a framework for a gvSIG plugin.
  Remember to specify whether to download and set up a workspace with gvSIG, or if the extension must be compiled as a gvSIG binary.

* *Packaging instructions*

  Here you should include instructions on how to package the project, both as a separate extension, and in a gvSIG installation.
  The packaging instructions should include both the packaging process itself, such as maintaining a unique *version number*, and the updating of the corresponding files in the SVN in order to reflect the increase in *version number* (where appropriate).
  There should also be instructions for generating a *tag* in the version control system for the sources corresponding to this *version number*, detailing the naming policy to use for naming the *tag*.

  You must follow a well-defined policy for the name given to the binary distribution. It is essential that the binary name specifies:
  - The *project*.
  - The *version*.
  - The *platform*.
  If you follow a naming policy for the binary distribution that differs from that of gvSIG then this must be indicated in this section. You can view the gvSIG naming policy in the document `Binary names for a gvSIG plugin`_.

* *Notes on internationalization*

  This contains the following subsections:
  * Location of the translation strings

    Specify the location of the translation strings used by the project, as well as the languages that are available.
  * What should be done to include a new language
    Indicate what needs to done to add a new language to the strings that already exist in the project.

.. _`Binary names for a gvSIG plugin` : /web/reference_catalog/lookupObject?uuid=ab2213e3b42ff25300be00b564b05c63
.. _`Interpretation of the gvSIG version number` : /web/reference_catalog/lookupObject?uuid=99467e3828f3fe1a25ef5b6c96d17a13
.. _template : /web/reference_catalog/lookupObject?uuid=de4119b71d8952500c5a1f37ed60831b
.. _`more information on how to access document sources can be found here` : /web/reference_catalog/lookupObject?uuid=529fc89cb1d4e7677ed4f3e2a16af644
.. _ReST :

.. list-table:: Change log
   :header-rows: 1

   * - version
     - description

   * - 1.1
     - Modified the wording of the paragraph on how obtain the template.

   * - 1.1
     - Extended the packaging instructions to include the maintenance of the build number and the corresponding *tags* in SVN.

   * - 1.2
     - Modified the wording of the section on *Compilation instructions* to make it clearer what should be included.

   * - 1.2
     - Minor changes to the wording of the paragraph describing tags in the section on *Packaging instructions*.

   * - 1.2
     - Rewrote the paragraph on *Version information*; added links to the document that describes how to interpret the version number in gvSIG.

   * - 1.2
     - Added a note about the necessity of a policy for naming binaries.

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