Known problems
Version 0.6 (29-03-2006)
- jpeg2000 files:
- When opening jpeg2000 files in windows 98, the program exits.
- dwg Files:
- Some graphical entities topologies can't be loaded (see FAQ section).
- If the legend properties are switched to Unique Symbol, then the graphical elements disappear from the view and only text are displayed.
- dgn files:
- The MicroStation element Multi-Line will not be visualized.
- If the legend properties are switched to Unique Symbol, then the graphical elements disappear from the view and only text are displayed.
- dxf files:
- When opening a dxf file containing polygons with filling, those polygons are shown without filling and a vertex is droped, so the polygon is incompletely visualized.
- If the legend properties are switched to Unique Symbol, then the graphical elements disappear from the view and only text are displayed.
- Units of measurement:
- It does not measure properly areas in the views with system of geodesic projection.
- WMS Servers:
- Since TIFF is an uncompressed image format, layers loaded from these servers can produce errors due to their size.
- Export selection tool:
- It only works with shape elements as source.
- When exporting a selection from a shapefile in Linux the program crashes and the console pops up. The .shp file is created an can be visualized but with errors in its attribute table.
- Map:
- When modifying the size of an inserted image, this is distorted.
- When zooming to the sheet area some errors can occur such as the program crash or the deletion of a layer in the view.
- Sometimes the scale associated to a view is not updated when a zoom is applied.
- Projections:
- Small displacement errors when changing datum due to the system of reprojection used (GT2 v2.0), it will be solved when we use version 2.1.
- When changing the projection of a view, the existing layers within that view are not reprojected.
- Internationalization:
- Some translations on the GUI strings still pending.
- Printing:
- With dgn and dxf files it may fail when the polygons have assigned a pattern symbol that is not a solid color or transparent (vertical, horizontal, oblique lines, etc), which will slow down printing.
- It is not possible to define correctly a custom size. When selecting landscape page orientation (horizontal) the width parameter is ignored and, if the orientation is set to portrait orientation (vertical) the height parameter is ignored.
- When printing a Map, the cursor is set to wait and stills in this state even when the application has finished all the tasks.
- Opening/Saving projects:
- When opening a Table associated to a Layer, if you delete the View where that Layer is located but the Table is not deleted, an error appears when saving the project. It is necessary to also delete the Table.
- In a recovered project it is only possible to have an open map. The name of the maps can also be source of problems.
- When opening a previously saved project containing united tables and the layer which contains the union has been labelled using any of the fields used to make the union, then an error occurs.
- Labeling:
- Layers reprojected to geodesic coords can not be labelled.
- "Text height", "Rotation", "Draw text only" options in the Labelling dialog only work when the legend is defined to Unique Symbol.
- On occassions, refreshment problems when activating and deactivating may appear.
- It does not draw the labels in the side margins of the graphic area.
- Locator:
- When changing the Projection System of a View the reprojection does not apply to those layers added to de locator. The layer reprojection in the locator only works when the View is using the EPSG:23030 coordinate reference system (UTM Projection, Huse 30, Datum ED5050).
- Export to pdf:
- When changing page properties, export to PDF fails recalculating the position of some elements.
- When exporting a Map to PDF the cursor remains in wait mode, even all the tasks have been finished.
- JDBC layers:
- If we do a union between two tables of a JDBC layer, if we select the properties of the layer and we set the legend using one of the fields of the merged table the JDBC layer disappears from the View, but it still in the TOC.
- Save to raster:
- The option "Don't gereference" of the "Save to raster" dialog does not work.
Version 0.6 - rc1 unstables (14-02-2006)
- Project opening:
- When opening a previously saved project, MySQL spatial database layers disappear.
- When opening a gvSIG 0.5 previously saved project, the WMS layers are not visualized, but if the project is stored again as version 0.6, these layers work fine.